The Adventures of Mr. Right
Forever, my Love
Missing his sweetheart, the ever-romantic Mr. Right decides to reach out to the love of his life the old-fashioned way, through a poetic love letter. But when her reply is not at all what he expected he must pick up the broken pieces to mend and restore the memory.
A Change in Perspective
Mr. Right, the silent surrealist, struggles with the burden of bad news. Chained to his desk and bombarded with tragic headlines, Mr. Right feels like he needs to escape. After seeing the world outside passing him by, Mr. Right realizes a happier outlook on life is possible just by changing his perspective and stepping back into nature.
Mr. Right has Tea
Mr. Right sits down at a picnic table in the park to have his afternoon tea. Befuddled by the lack of a tea cup he resorts to a magical way to brew his tea.
Mr. Right Solves a Puzzle
Mr. Right often feels like he doesn’t fit in. It is easy to feel like our world is a giant complex puzzle with pieces fitting together neatly and perfectly while off to the side there’s that extra piece that doesn’t seem to belong. With a little work we can find our perfect place.
Mr. Right’s Nutty Lunch
Mr. Right experiences a surreal sequence of events as he tries to make his lunch.
Mr. Right’s Bee-utiful Day
Mr. Right unexpectedly gets interrupted while reading his newspaper.
Mr. Right Visits Seattle
A look back at great memories from Mr. Right’s trip to Seattle, Washington in December 2011.
Mr. Right’s Home Cooking
The ever resourceful Mr. Right shows us his unique approach to cooking.